Book your free coaching call with me

Let's put a plan together to meet your transformational goals.

Totally discrete, supportive call, from a friend who has been through life-changing transformation too!

Find A Time Below To Book Your Call map out your journey to discovering your true authentic, confident and amazing self and how to break free from limits!


What to expect on your call...

The first thing that you can count on is a reassuring and friendly voice at the end of the phone. It's a little bit of 'feel the fear and do it anyway' when it comes to nerves. Every woman who comes on a call feels better at the end of it. Some feel better the second that they hear my voice! Like a reassuring hug from a friend.

You will have questions and no doubt there is some confusion - we will clear that up for you. I will help you develop a plan for a way through to being happy, present and living your best life.

You will feel supported, and understood, and you will leave feeling uplifted and confident that you have a plan to take you to a bright, grounded and happy future.

Michaela is a Fellow of The Association for Coaching, A Master Mindset, Life and Executive Coach, and Member of the International Coaching Federation.

"Thank you for the call today. I feel so much better about myself already. Just knowing that there's nothing wrong with me has given me so much hope"

- Judy

Thank you so much! I came on the call feeling so low and confused, and now I'm buzzing. I have a plan!

Thank you so much! I’m so thankful that you are willing to share your story to help others.

- Kathryn

Hi Michaela, Thank you so much. Your program has been the best thing ever for me. Changing my thoughts with your techniques has been amazing. I feel free, happy and in control of my life for the first time ever. I have suffered anxiety since I was a child and have used drinking as a coping tool since I was very young. I am almost 60 and now realise how the way I used to cope only enhanced my anxiety all these years. I am now virtually anxiety free. I have never!!! felt this good. A million thank you's!!!!!!!

- Andrea

"For the first time in years, I feel genuinely hopeful that I can make change around the changes that I want being a reality for me. I can't wait to get started on my life expansion. I'm nervous, but this is my life, and this is my time. I'm ready"

- Sue

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