I'm Here To Help You Step Into Your Happiness Through Self Discovery


For the first time in my life, I truly knew that nothing was missing. I live happily in the freefall of life, in wonder, joy and fulfilment.

Hi, I’m Michaela Weaver - awakening coach and psychotherapist, TEDx speaker, and best-selling author. I'm a woman who got to the point where waking up to life was the only truthful next step.

Waking up to life is the foundation for freedom, joy and happiness.

Free from rushing into reaching your next “big goal” or finding activities to fill what often becomes a common phenomenon among high-achieving and successful women: Never feeling whole or complete or searching for the lurking “missing piece” - the nagging discomfort of anxiety, insecurity, fear and consistent desire for getting to the day when it's all OK.

We can find ourselves feeling emotionally and spiritually bankrupt despite a healthy bank balance. That's when you start to realize that there has to be a better way to live. You're right!



This is my life story.

When I think about it, I have always questioned the meaning of life and happiness. I never took things at face value.

I grew up in a house with a physicist, and big, open questions went hand-in-hand with that.

Back then I didn’t know that every human has their own version of reality based on their mind filters. I took for granted that what the mind said to me, and the thoughts I had in my head were true. That they were actual reality.

Until I didn’t take it for granted anymore. It was many years later.

It was the realisation of this at a very deep level that broke me free.

I spent my early childhood years in London and at the age of 9, I moved 300 miles away from the capital city to a small rural village in West Wales.

Something about the move, leaving the city, leaving my friends, and everything that I had known left me feeling insecure.

That feeling never entirely left me and I routed my fear into working harder, subconsciously believing that if I could keep improving myself, then eventually, I would feel completely whole and safe.

At 18, I returned to London to attend University as a science and engineering undergraduate at a time when the drinking culture was rife in the UK, and my generation got caught up in this.

I was no exception – drinking excessively was “perfectly normal”, if not obligatory.

Drinking also helped me feel less anxious whenever I went on a night out.

As years rolled by, outwardly, I was the image of success. I pushed myself harder, and it affected my marriage by the time I was in my 30s.

I worked hard, played hard…

I also worried hard.

I sabotaged myself by over-compensating and over-working, and this further ignited feelings of inner turmoil that infiltrated all areas of my life.

For 10 years I smoked, drank too much and overworked myself, resulting in pushing myself further away from the perfection that I sought. My marriage ended.

I was striving for mental and emotional freedom – inner peace, the rest from waiting for the next day, the worry about the next thing – the silence of searching for “more” and the moment when fulfilment is here - right in front of me. Not in three weeks or five years. Right there.

My search had taken me down a dark and empty alley!


My inner reality was completely different to what others saw. There was a complete reality chasm.

Running a business and raising three children alone was incredibly hard, and I often turned to alcohol to relieve all the mental and emotional weight I was carrying.

Building the Michaela Weaver brand

Throughout my career, I worked as a management consultant and executive coach, challenging norms, opening dialogues, creatively, and helping to gently break and reform internal and external cultures.

I worked with the Cabinet Office in London with government boards, directors of industry and leaders at the highest level in the corporate world on a global stage.

I still hadn’t connected my early questions about reality with anything internal, within me. The outside world was taken as the truth, despite lengthy trainings professionally in coaching, compassionate questioning, and NLP and CBT. The connection hadn’t been made. They were separate.

I now know that they are two ends of the same stick. They are one.

The mantra in my childhood home was:


To ask the right question, you need to be looking in the right place.This is the key to happiness!

My journey out of the alcohol trap was like being grabbed by the scruff of the neck and pulled out of a movie screen and into reality. I literally woke up. One day I was addicted, and the next, I wasn’t. It was gone. I had changed my perspective, my belief system, my viewpoint, and it was gone!

This was my first direct taste of my internal reality not being what I thought it was. I knew that at a very deep level although it was my experience, it wasn’t actually true.

It wasn’t the truth, because truth is unchanging, and my whole world of drinking, alcohol, and smoking went through a paradigm shift. It changed. Truth doesn’t change.

I often talk about alcohol and the trap as the 'game of opposites'. When we know that nothing is as it seems and that everything is up for questioning, then we also begin to see that beliefs close to us that actually cause us harm, are not to be believed in either.

These beliefs are part of the human shadow, self-protect mechanism, or mini-me. They are based on a belief that the self needs to be protected, and in an effort to do that, the mini-me does the very thing that causes the need for protection! It’s a paradox, and the way out is a paradigm shift of thinking and consciousness.

This is the essence of my process to awaken and discover the happiness within.

I work with clients face to face in Wales, UK, and online around the world.


After my paradigm shift around drinking, I became used to being in a world where other people’s realities were different to mine. People still believed in mental narratives. I saw their transience and falsities.

I had discovered that thoughts, beliefs, emotions, buildings, mountains, weather, are all transient. Yet I was still here. I wasn't transient. Everywhere I went, I was there. Right here, right now.

But aside from solving a long-term problem with alcohol, there was more work to be done and over the next eight years, after shifting my paradigm for coping, I travelled the world of teachers, and practitioners from Western psychology and quantum science to ancient teachings of the Eastern masters.

I was waking up. My life and world were shifting. I felt connected, open, expansive, and free. The world around me appeared brighter, lighter, clearer and more joyful. I watched my anxiety, and negative thought cycles slowly disappear.

I founded The Alcohol Coach in 2019 and have had the honour of helping and witnessing thousands of transformations in the lives of the women I’ve worked with.


in 2003

It is my mission to guide you to find your happiness, free of contraints and internal drama and narratives.

Unless you live this life in awake awareness, you really aren't living it at all. It's a half life at best, running on autopilot. You are worth way more than that!

This is freedom, and it is your birthright. It is readily available and it's here for you, calling you back home to your true Self.

Built from my life experience, research and learning about what works, my unique multidisciplinary approach to awakening is here for you. The Shift cuts through convention and archaic ideas – helping you reach a new level of consciousness.

My unique approach encourages an innate power balance that’s free from seeking fulfilment or seeking to “feel better”, and to connect with your authentic self.

The results are a complete shift in your inner paradigm, bringing your life into alignment and unwrapping your personal power to enjoy an elevated life with infinite potential.

I am a natural storyteller and metaphors are weaved into my teaching at every turn. They are just there. They seem to arise when needed. I can't take credit for them!

The Alcohol Coach is my passion project. It was my first awakening, and after setting up this successful brand I have circled back to my audience on a new and higher level: awakening to life! I work privately and in Masterminds with women who are looking for a deep, profound awakening and life-changing transformation. This is life's diamond. Multifaceted, clear, bright and shining within you.

I am a Fellow of The Association for Coaching, and a Fellow of ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists). I have trained to Masters level in Executive Coaching, addiction, life and wellbeing coaching. I am a Master NLP Coach, Master Hypnotherapist, and Master Time Line Therapist.

This is for you if you want:

  • Answers

  • Deep self discovery

  • Truth

  • Fulfilment

  • Happiness

  • Peace

  • Joy

  • Wholeness

My ground-breaking methods include a balanced fusion of science, psychology and spirituality, resulting in your renewal to a life of fulfilment in all areas of your life.

I incorporate visualising the science of who you truly are when your mind is free of the weight of common exterior pressures. The irony is that when we let go, we create space, and in that space we become everything we are meant to be, and we do it with ease. This is freedom.

My clients are women, typically in midlife. Mothers, grandmothers, single or in relationship, in life transition, or wanting to be – the common goal being that each of these incredible women aspires to the greatest level of living with joy, authenticity, and fulfilment.

© 2024 Michaela Weaver. All Rights Reserved.